Chitosan, a Crab-based Material


Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute in Germany have developed a new water resistant bio-polymer that could help move waterproofing textiles away from synthetics.

The new compound called Chitosan is derived from crab shells and has been tweaked to make it water resistant.

Chitosan has many potential uses from seed treatment to bandages - but this new development might mean a new alternative to synthetic plastic based waterproofing.

Millions of pieces of microplastic enter the waterways of the world via our washing machines. The synthetic fabrics that have become such a big part of our lives fall apart over time, releasing tiny fragments into the water.

These mainly take the form of fibres, which are further broken down in water treatment. There are products that you can use in your washing machine to reduce the impact of washing synthetic fabrics but as with all things - it would be better to stop plastic at the source!


The ‘Chad’ Crab


Crab hats!