Climate Refugia Identified


Refugia are areas of the world that are naturally protected or buffered from climate changes. These places have a higher species diversity, richness and community stability.

Two such marine refugia have been identified in the Eastern Bering Sea by researchers from the University of Hokkaido.

The scientists tracked 159 different species of marine animals between 1990 and 2019 and used statistical analysis to locate the places where they thrived.

Although these areas covered less that 10% of the study area, they were home to a whopping 91% of species.

Conservation requires an understanding of what is already there before efforts can be made to protect it and this research is helping with that.

Areas such as these two are incredibly important to maintain the integrity of, as they will allow species to bounce back and preserve marine communities.

We’re just curious as to what Al-Gore-rithm they used for their analysis.

Geddit? Okay, sorry…


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