Do Crabs Think Fish are Flying?

Delving into the psyche of crabs is of particular importance to us and there are few more intellectually daunting questions than whether or not crabs think fish are flying.

In this particular example we have to draw up some boundaries. We must specify that we are talking only about non-swimming crabs.

There are many species of crabs that can swim, some very effectively. Swimming crabs have specially developed flattened rear legs, called pleopods, these act like little oars to propel the crab through the water.

In the UK, the native species of swimming crab is unimaginatively called the Velvet Swimming Crab.

Returning to the question at hand however, non-swimming crabs must gaze up at the swimming animals that they share the sea with with some amazement. In the same way that we humans see birds and planes soaring through the sky.

But what about crabs that live in shallow water, being able to see both fish swimming in the water above them, and also birds flying in the air beyond.

Do they make a distinction between these two creatures? Do they both fly?

Crabs certainly acknowledge the existence of other animals. In fact, an Australian study tested two groups of Fiddler Crabs Uca vomeris, and exposed one group to fake predators. The crabs that were in a stressful environment turned a camouflaged brown, but the crabs living free from predators became very colourful.

Whenever we ponder the complexities of crab philosophy, we often end up muddying the waters. It may be the case that we will never know what it is like to be a crab.


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