From Super Yachts to Crabs

This yacht is named after the Pagurus family of crabs, which includes the common ‘edible’ crab, with its distinctive ‘pie crust’ body.

This enormously garish status symbol, can be yours for the small sum of $30 million.

What is striking about this glorified canoe is its ability to move on land, using a set of four screw-like propellers on the underside of the ship.

Once on land this ‘Crabamaran’ can lower an SUV onto land, allowing the owners to drive around and crush whatever crustaceans happen to be under their tyres.

The designer, Pierpaolo Lazzarini, also drafted a version to sell to the military, complete with onboard cannon.

While this might seem humorous, the world of superyacht owners is anything but. The 26 richest people hold more wealth than the world’s 3,800,000,000 poorest combined.

Business tycoon Philip Green, overseer of the near to collapse Arcadia Group, has a yacht reported to be worth $100,000,000. So as the approximately 15,000 Arcadia jobs in the UK hang in the balance, think of Mr Green, on his yacht - snorting champagne and laughing.


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