The Political Crab?

Despite the name Mr Crabb is not a decapod crustacean. Despite the name he is actually the Member of Parliament for Preseli Pembrokeshire and former Secretary of State for Wales.

His voting history in regard to the environment is questionable and attached for context.

During the 2009 parliamentary expenses scandal, it was reported that Crabb had claimed £8,049 for refurbishments to his flat in London.

He sold the flat the following year and switched his second home expenses to the house he had recently bought for his family in Pembrokeshire, allowing him to claim back £9,300 in stamp duty and £1,325 a month in mortgage interest.

This continued for almost a year while he had designated another London flat he was renting with a fellow MP as his main home.

In 2017 he was involved in a sexual harassment scandal involving a 19-year-old woman applying for a job in his department.

The Conservative party inquiry did not consider his actions ‘harassment’, but they nevertheless “found that his behaviour in this matter was inappropriate and fell short of the standards the party expects.”


Acid and the Dungeness Crab


Animal, vegetable, mineral, or crab?