A Story of Crab and Goliath

Recently this Chesapeake Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus, won an unlikely victory against this alligator.

Witnessed by Phil Lanoue in South Carolina, this alligator had attempted to sneak up on the crab and eat it.

The crab, sensing danger, apparently whirled around and raised its claws in defence. Normally this encounter would end with the crab, the far smaller animal, being gobbled up - but this time the crab came out on top.

Clamping down, alligators have enormously powerful jaw muscles, but they have pathetic opening power. By grasping the alligator’s snout in its pincers, the crab was able to hold it off long enough to make an escape.

Good on you crab!


The Sound of a Crab’s Guts


Damaging Pesticide Approved by UK Government