Happy May Day


On May 1st we celebrate, support and give solidarity to the workers of the world. Today is about promoting fair and compassionate worker’s rights to protect their safety and dignity.

From rubbish collectors to supermarket staff. Key workers today, key workers tomorrow, key workers forever.

Crabs do not live in a complicated and often exploitative class system like humans do.

But would they recognise the ideas of Karl Marx? Would they believe in the collective of crabs working together for a brighter future?

This is unlikely, so unlikely that there is even a phrase for it.

Crab Mentality is an idea based on crabs in a bucket. While one crab on its own could climb out of the bucket, lots of crabs together simply drag each other down - stopping any of them from escaping.

May 1st also coincides with a much earlier spring festival with traditions in Europe that go back to the Roman period.

Crabs might be more interested in the Spring version of May Day, because it is in this season that crabs are often engaged in reproduction. Attracting mates and producing the next generation of crabs.


May the Fourth be With Crabs


Introducing Gene Hunt, the best name in Science